I Built a SECRET Room To Win Squid Game! (CHALLENGE)E5

I Built a SECRET Room To Win Squid Game! (CHALLENGE)E5

Today Zhong BuiltA Secret Room To Escape And Win Squid Game! Watch zong and his friends play extreme squid game hide and seek against the real squid game guards! Watch till the end to see if they are able to escape or not! Hi my name is Zhong! Welcome to my channel. You'll find me playing tricks and pranks on my friends. We also love to do challenges and play different games against each other. I hope you enjoy my videos! funny videos entertainment zhong funny funny shorts funny memes challenges tiktoks funny best challenges zhong shorts best videos zhong tiktok viral videos zhong and nich funny zhong videos nich and zhong nichlmao videos challenge funny challenge comedy nick and zhong zhong and nick zhong and nichlmao zhong funny zhong funny tik tok zhong instagram videos zhong videos funny zhong tik tok #funny #funnyvideos #memes #comedyvideos #comedy #challenge #comedy #trending #viralvideo #PrimeVsWater #FunnyChallenge #ViralShorts #Comedy #Trending