[155] Flipper Zero: Use MacBook to compile and upload apps #macOS #flipperzero

[155] Flipper Zero: Use MacBook to compile and upload apps #macOS #flipperzero

This video series is for people that want to install or create applications for the Flipper Zero using the MacOS. In this video we build and install applications on of Flipper from GitHub.com source code. This allows us to install applications on our Flipper that aren't available on lab.flipper.net (or to modify the code of applications on lab.flipper.net). My previous vide [154] covers setting up your development environment:    • [154] Flipper Zero: MacOS development...   My wiki is at: https://github.com/jamisonderek/flipp... On Discord, I'm @CodeAllNight. Feel free to reach out to me directly or tag me in any of the Flipper Firmware discord servers. -= Support this channel: Option 1. Like, Subscribe and click the Bell (to get notified) Option 2. https://ko-fi.com/codeallnight (donate $3 via PayPal or Venmo) Option 3. Click the "Thanks" button on YouTube. Option 4. Purchase a FlipBoard (I get a portion of the sale). https://github.com/MakeItHackin/FlipB... Option 5. Buy items from Lab401 using PROMO code "DEREK" at https://lab401.com/r?id=7c6mqp (You save 5% and I get 5%) -=