DAY 3 - 2016 Advent Calendar Collection!! 4 Playmobil, 2 Schleich, Lego Friends, City & Star Wars!!
Join us for Day 3 of our 2016 Advent Calendar opening!! We have 9 amazing sets to open and Santa and Ruby Elf on the Shelf help us to get them ready to show you!! Don't miss out on our exclusive offer from Castle Toys! All Canadian and US fans get 15% off for online or in store purchases when you use LILMONKEYMEDIA promo-code! Castle Toys: website: http://castletoys.ca/ twitter: / castle_toys facebook: / castle.toys instagram: / castletoys Advent Calendar Sets: Playmobil Advents: Dress Up Party (6626) Unicorn Fairyland (5492) Christmas on the Farm (6624) Pirate Treasure Island (6625) Lego Advents: Star Wars (75146) Lego Friends (41131) Lego City (60133) Schleich Advents: Horse Club Dinosaurs Visit our channel for more cool videos and to join all the fun up in our treetop please subscribe to Lil Monkey Media’s channel: / lilmonkeymedia When you need to escape for some silly fun then click on our Monkey Around playlist featuring original skits and series. • Monkey Around by Lil' Monkey Media If you go bananas for toys, toys, and more toys then click on our Treetop Toy Box Playlist for videos like Playmobil, Lego, Mega Bloks, L’il Woodzeez, stop-motion builds, blind bag openings and more! • Treetop Toy Box by Lil' Monkey Media To spark your imagination click on our Creative Branch playlist where you’ll find cool craft ideas and DIY like: Slime, custom toys, foam kits and more! • Creative Branch by Lil' Monkey Media When you’re up for watching a funny original scripted story click on our Monkey Tales playlist • Monkey Tales by Lil' Monkey Media MUSIC: Licensed Use From Audio Jungle Library: The Christmas (Audio Jungle) At Christmas (Audio Jungle) #adventcalendars #playmobiladvent #schleichadvent #legofriendsadvent #legocityadvent #legostarwarsadvent #toyadventcalendar #2016adventcalendar #christmasadventcalendar #playmobildressupparty #playmobilpiratetreasureisland #playmobilchristmasonthefarm #playmobilunicornfairyland