"축복하노라" "I will bless you" - Silverlight Violin

"축복하노라" "I will bless you" - Silverlight Violin

샬롬! 오늘은 지난 주일 예배를 드리며 저에게 많은 평안과 위로를 주었던 찬양을 함께 나눕니다 :) Shalom! I would like to share with you the song that has greatly consoled me during the service this past Sunday. :) "축복하노라" "I will bless you" *듣고 싶은 찬양이 있으신 분들은 코멘트에 남겨주세요 :) If you have a song request, feel free to leave in the comment below :) Piano and Violin played by Silverlight Arranged and Edited by Silverlight Email: [email protected]