20 Min Standing Yoga Flow for Better Balance

20 Min Standing Yoga Flow for Better Balance

This is a 20-minute standing vinyasa flow yoga class for better balance and improved concentration. We do a simple standing yoga sequence (no seated or supine poses) focused on balance poses - one-legged mountain pose, tree pose, warrior 3, and balancing half moon. Enjoy the nature sounds in the background. YOGA UPLOAD PLUS Membership & APP FREE TRIAL https://www.yogauploadplus.com/pages/... FREE 7-DAY BEDTIME YOGA CHALLENGE https://yogauploadplus.com/ Make a DONATION to Yoga Upload https://bit.ly/supportyogaupload Get my NEWSLETTER https://bit.ly/emailmaris ******************** #YogaUpload #MarisAylward #yogaflow #yogaforbalance #standingyoga