LEGO Jurassic World REBIRTH Trailer | Stop Motion Animation
This video is my recreation of the Jurassic World: Rebirth trailer using LEGO stop-motion animation and also includes a look behind the scenes as well as a short, humorous post-credits scene. • Jurassic World Rebirth | Official Tra... MY THOUGHTS ABOUT JW REBIRTH In general I really like the trailer and I am hopeful that the movie will be good. The premise and atmosphere seem to be great! I’m not sure about the title itself. Don’t really know what’s supposed to be ‘reborn’ (the franchise? But I’m talking in-universe). I guess we’ll see. I also thought Dominion was supposed to finish the 'World' trilogy and if they were to produce another movie, they would change the title: Park trilogy - World trilogy - then some new title. But hopefully, despite that, this movie is somewhat of a fresh start; a new and only loosely connected story ("Twisters" is such an amazing sequel to "Twister". That's how you make a sequel!). Please, don't make every other scene a reference to previous movies! I'm not sure how I feel about 'Jurassic' being a huge franchise with so many movies and even TV shows and I still fear they might be spitting out too much content too quickly, but maybe that's just me still used to only 3 Jurassic Park movies in existence and Jurassic World's premiere in 2015 being a HUUGE event. CHARACTERS New characters are a huge plus - they can create a sense of danger, no longer can I be truly certain the entire main cast will survive. I’m a huge fan of choosing a strong female covert operations expert and a smart male paleontologist as the leading duo. I gues I'd enjoy a romantic subplot but I don't think it's somethung necessary. I find it nice and refreshing that the “rich funding guy” is actually going with them. I like him based on what we have so far and I’m afraid he might be eaten (maybe by raptors?). I hope the inclusion of the latino family makes sense plot-wise, and I suppose all/most of them will survive. Most of the ‘team’ is there probably just to be eaten, haha - many of them by Mosa I suppose, maybe the bearded guy by Quetz. I suppose Duncan could actually be eaten by the failed clone creature but who knows. THREE BIGGEST 'DINOSAURS' I HATE the wording of “three biggest dinosaurs” and I sincerely hope they explain it more in the movie. That would imply three sauropods (unless all except this titanosaur are extinct again). I’m not sure whether the movie’s sauropod is meant to be Titanosaurus specifically, hope not because it’s a nomen dubium and it’s not even that huge of a sauropod. Maybe it’s meant to be a titanosaur, such as Argentinosaurus or something. But even worse, the pterosaur and mosasaur are not dinosaurs at all! That’s so obviously wrong and they’re saying it so openly!? I really hope they explain it in the movie and the simplification is just for the trailer. CREATURES The creature designs are mostly great. Amazing Spino. The Azdarchid looks more like Hatzegopteryx than Quetz unfortunately. And it’s a HUGE shame they didn’t redesign the raptors or Dilo. I’m curious about the scary failed clone and hope it doesn’t end up like another general villain creature, but they do something interesting. LEGO SETS I’m very excited about the upcoming LEGO sets! The Spino and Titano look lovely (even though one lacks the head crest and the other speculative sails)! Quetz isn’t movie-accurate, but looks more like Quetz than the movie version. I'm very sad about Mosa lacking any moulds, even a Tulkun-style head but eh, it does look good. I hope we get the failed clone figure too. I do intend to review the sets on the channel. I guess for now I'll just have to be hopeful this Rebirth is better than even my favourite Lost World and that we get some amazing LEGO sets. Thank you very much for reading and as always, have a good day! CREDITS: Based upon "Jurassic World Rebirth | Official Trailer" and the published photos of actors, including Scarlett Johansson, Jonathan Bailey and Mahershala Ali. Photography, animation and editing by Wrona Bros. Over 3000 photos taken. With the voice talents of: Ewelina as Zora Bennett Joanna as screaming girl Franciszek as everyone else A thank you to Michał for his help Visual effects by Wrona Bros. Sound effects from YT Audio Library or my own MUSIC: Keys To Unravel - The Soundlings The New Order - Aaron Kenny Keep On Ridin' - Sir Cubworth Music Box - Brian Bolger Epic Unease - Kevin MacLeod Epic Unease by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/ Background image used in the video: Photo by Syced available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fi... CHAPTERS: 0:00 JW Rebirth 3:19 Behind the Scenes 6:01 Bonus Scene #LEGO #JurassicWorld #JurassicWorldRebirth