3/9/2025 1st Sunday in Lent Full Worship - Jesus is Tempted for 40 Days
Sermon: Lead us not into Temptation Worship in person. Livestream at 11:00 pst. If you are watching, please like or comment so we know that you have joined us. To download the worship service and bulletin go to https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/zi... Scripture Lessons: Deut 26:1-11, Romans 10:8-13, Luke 4:1-13 Bethel Worship: TLH 5 410 Jesus Lead Us On 262 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God W 92 O Lord, Throughout These Forty Days Zion Worship: LSB 184 DS 3 521 Christ, the Lord of Hosts, Unshaken 657 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 418 O Lord, Throughout These Forty Days Catechism – 1 & 2 Commandments https://catechism.cph.org/ Used by permission: LSB Hymn License no. 110005387