what is Bell's palsy/ facial palsy/ about Bell's palsy/ dr.physioclasses

what is Bell's palsy/ facial palsy/ about Bell's palsy/ dr.physioclasses

what is Bell's palsy/ facial palsy/ about Bell's palsy/ dr.physioclasses It is a facial muscle weakness or paralysis. Typically one side of the face is affected. It occurs due to dysfunction of the facial nerve also known as the 7th cranial nerve. Symptoms develop suddenly and facial muscle weakness can be from mild weakness to total paralysis. other symptoms are drooping of the mouth, drooling, inability to close one eye, facial pain abnormal sensation, sense of taste distort and problem with loud sound. It is a idiopathic . Cause is unknown but it is associated with certain viral infection. Diagnosis is based of presentation. Patients usually present with symptoms of rapid development and severity at the peak around 72 hours from the time of onset. #bell'spalsy #facialpalsy #cranialnerve #7thcranialnerve #onesidefacialpalsy #onesidefaceweakness #physiotherapy #physiotherapynotes #physiotherapystudents #dr.physioclasses #dr.physioclasses/ # youtube Follow @ Instagram dr.physio_basti Follow my facebook page - Be Well Physiotherapy Thanks for watching this video 😊🙏 plz like , comment and subscribe.... medical disclaimer:- all information, content and material of this video is for information and demonstration purposes only. consult with your doctor or health care professional before doing anything contained in this content.