OVERSEEDING lawn . Tips that will increase success . #lawncare #peatmoss #grassseed
we are starting the fall over seed, and I want to share with you a few things that will help you…I am cutting the grass, not scalping but cutting shorter,, about 1 1/2 inches l!! That is the new grass coming back, and if you cut it too short, you may add stress to the new grass. I am also bagging the clippings, I want the soil surface to be as clean as possible!!! You want to rake the yard, we want to remove all the dead material improving seed to soil contact. The groundskeepers 2 it will pay it self in no time… Aeration, I know, everyone says the same thing...for this project I am using a hand spike aeratorI, as a matter of fact the only power tools are the mower and blower , yes about 12000 sq/ft. This is the best time to fill holes and level bad areas. Get a good quality soil level and pack it down…Time to spread the seeds. I like to do the bare .. areas by hand, then I reseed the entire yard using a spreader… we are putting down starter fertilizer and lime on the entire yard. That will help the returning grass and new seedlings. I like to protect the seeds by adding PEAT MOSS… It works great for holding seeds and also adding nutrients to existing soil.on the edges by the street I am adding an extra layer of protection with the Pennington straw. Now we water and wait, this is 2 weeks in back yard is looking great, front yard only has a week but I can already see growth. Keep watering Seeds should be sprouting in a few days, keep watering after sprouting… If this video helped you in any way please press that like button, tell me all your concerns in that comments box, subscribe and we will see you next time… 😃