Doctrine and Covenants 3-5, 10 | Come Follow Church History with Lynne Hilton Wilson

Doctrine and Covenants 3-5, 10 | Come Follow Church History with Lynne Hilton Wilson

Doctrine and Covenants 3-5, 10 Jan 27-Feb 2 | Come Follow Church History with Lynne Hilton Wilson. Today on Come Follow Church History from Scripture Central, Lynne and Janiece Johnson walk us through the history and context surrounding Doctrine and Covenants sections 3-5 as well as the lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon. Find Lynne's handouts here: Thank you for joining us at Scripture Central! We hope that you have enjoyed this content. Please leave a comment below with your thoughts and insights regarding this video and please consider subscribing to this channel and visiting our website for more content like this: *Donate to Scripture Central: https://form-renderer-app.donorperfec... *Sign up for our email list: ____________________________________________ *Download our free scripture study tool, the ScripturePlus app: *Download the Gospel Learning app: ____________________________________________ *The opinions expressed may represent the views of the individual creators or guests alone, and do not necessarily represent official positions of Scripture Central or of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. *This channel may make use of copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. *This Channel may also make use of artwork, voices, video, and effects that are generated by AI (Artificial Intelligence). We do our best to disclose when necessary our use of AI, but know that we make regular usage of AI materials in our content. We do not use AI to deceive or mislead. 0:00 Introduction - Guest Janiece Johnson and fallibility of prophets 1:53 Overview and timeline of events in Harmony 5:26 Lucy (Dolly) Harris 10:28 Martin Harris shows BoM characters to “learned men” 17:18 Prophetic infallibility, sola scriptura, seer stones 25:00 The plates and 116 lost pages 34:25 Joseph Smith Sr and Lucy Mack Smith 42:28 Spreading the gospel to extended family #ScriptureCentral #ComeFollowMe #ChurchOfJesusChristOfLatterdaySaints