오늘은 제주도 양고기 맛집에 왔어요. I came to eat lamb today.
오늘은 양고기 먹으러 왔어요 제주도 단골집이에요 I came to eat lamb today It's a regular restaurant in Jeju Island 몇점없는 맛있는 부위라는데 윽 느끼해😭 it's a delicious part without a lot of marks Ugh it's cheesy 😭 파김치는 언제나 진리 😍 Green onion kimchi is always the truth 😘 양 얼큰탕 Lamb Spicy Soup 갈릭밥 Garlic rice 명란밥 Pollack roe rice 잘먹었습니다 함께해주셔서 감사해요 ☺️ Thank you for the food Thank you for being with us ❣️