ANABOLIC ANGEL FOOD CAKE Recipe Review | Simple High Protein Dessert Snack | Greg Doucette Approved?
#Protein #Cake #Recipe #Review I do a review on a high protein angel food cake recipe by Ayla Levey. This sweet dessert recipe definitely has the protein and volume to make it a great option for an anabolic diet snack! I make it for the first time here and give my honest review as to it's taste, sweetness, and if I think it's worth making as part of your shredding meal plan, weight loss plan, or maingaining plan. Let's try this out together. Here. We. Go. Original Recipe: https://preppingonpancakes.wordpress.... Nicole Burgess Channel: / @nicoleburgess Follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kennybfischer/ **Products I use** Sifter: https://amzn.to/2OxiJpQ Food scale: https://amzn.to/3bUWvWO Buy two great cookbooks below! Greg Doucette: https://www.gregdoucette.com/collecti... Remington James: https://payhip.com/b/nbI4