Unit 2 Part 2, Blog, Blogging, Social Media Marketing, Digital and Social Marketing, Mobile Apps

Unit 2 Part 2, Blog, Blogging, Social Media Marketing, Digital and Social Marketing, Mobile Apps

Part 1| Digital Marketing (Theory):    • Digital & Social marketing, Digital M...   Part 2 | Digital Marketing (Theory):    • Unit 2 Part 1, Social Media, Social M...   Part 3 | Digital Marketing (Theory):    • Unit 2 Part 2, Blog, Blogging, Social...   Part 4 | Digital Marketing (Theory):    • Unit 3 | Search Engine Marketing, Mob...   Part 5 | Digital Marketing (Theory):    • Unit 4 Part 1, Digital Transformation...   Part 6 | Digital Marketing (Theory):    • Unit 4 Part 2, Reputation Management,...   Part 7 | Digital Marketing (Theory):    • Unit 5 | Online Communities, Co-Creat...   Hello Learners, Welcome to your YouTube channel Dwivedi Guidance. Playlist : Digital and Social Media Marketing :    • Digital and social marketing   In this Video we have discussed the following topics of Digital and Social Media Marketing : Blogging, Blog, Uses, Blog Content, About this Channel This channel has been created to provide you all the educational news, like UGC, MHRD, NTA, CBSE, AKTU/UPTU, Lucknow University (LU), UP Board, University Exam, University result, Video lectures on Commerce and Management Subjects, Apart from these this channel will provide you different job openings/Notification (Recruitment/vacancies) either Government Job or Private Job. So do not forget to Subscribe the Channel and press the bell 🔔 to get the latest videos. Thankyou Dwivedi Guidance Facebook Page :   / dwivediguidance