Holy Eucharist, Rite Two Live Stream - Blue Christmas Service 12-18-2022
For many people the holiday season is not filled with joy; rather it’s a time of sadness, depression, grief. Our Blue Christmas service of readings and music is offered as a way of acknowledging and honoring those feelings together with others who are also experiencing a sense of loss and aloneness. Please join us—and invite others you may know who are suffering this season—as we look to the coming of the Christ Child for hope and comfort. Media used in this video are covered by CCLI copyright # 21137362 and OneLicense # A-715475. Streaming under CCLI copyright #21137378. Our Website: https://www.stfrancisgvaz.org/ Online giving: https://www.stfrancisgvaz.org/donates... Direct Link to Giving Form: Give