Watch This Simple Trick Make Stunning Vintage Street Lamp Art #shorts

Watch This Simple Trick Make Stunning Vintage Street Lamp Art #shorts

Today, I’m sharing a special watercolor study I created while preparing a lesson for my art class. For this exercise, I used a reference photo of a beautiful old street lamp I saw in the historic city of Kamianets-Podilskyi. 🎨 The lesson’s goal? Work with a single color (I used neutral tint) to understand tonal values. Learn to control depth, contrast, and shading without relying on multiple pigments. Focus on structure, composition, and brush control to bring out light and shadow. This simple yet powerful exercise helps artists develop their understanding of tonal scales and how to create depth with just one pigment. I can’t wait to show you how my students approached this challenge—stay tuned for our class recap this Thursday! 😊 💭 Have you ever tried painting with just one color? Let me know your experience in the comments! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more watercolor inspiration. Let’s keep creating together! 💕 _______________ 👩‍🎨 To repeat a picture, you will need the following materials ⤵ 🎨 COLORS of watercolor paints were used - Neutral tint. MANUFACTURERS of watercolors - | Schminke| Daniel Smith | Winsor&Newton | Jackson`s | Rembrandt | Van Gogh | Rosa Gallery 🖌BRUSHES for watercolor painting: ▫ For basics and details: Synthetic watercolor brush 1436 PERLA Escoda Barcelona #12 📝 The PAPER used in the video is - ARCHES 300g/m², 100% cotton watercolor paper, grain torchon 🔘Follow me on social media: Instagram:   /   Facebook:   /   Website: Happy painting!