(모든 기종 가능)핸드폰 물빼기 핸드폰 물기제거 스피커 물빼는 노래 스피커 물빼는 소리 스마트폰 에어팟 물빼기 스피커 물빼는 진동 아이폰 안드로이드 스피커 바람소리
1 물이 잘 빠지도록 스마트폰의 볼륨을 최대치로 설정하세요 2 스마트폰을 평평한 곳에 두고, 스피커 부분이 아래로 향하도록 살짝 기울이세요 3 물이 완전히 빠질 때까지 영상을 반복 재생하세요 물기가 남아있으면 다시 재생하세요 4 물이 어느 정도 빠지면 스마트폰을 부드러운 천이나 마른 휴지로 닦고 충분한 시간 동안 자연 건조 시키세요 * 이상한 소리가 들리거나 발열이 발생하면 즉시 사용을 중지하세요 1 Set your smartphone's volume to maximum to help expel the water effectively 2 Place your smartphone on a flat surface, and slightly tilt it so the speaker is facing downward 3 Repeat the video until the water is completely expelled If water remains, replay the video 4 Once some water is expelled, wipe your smartphone with a soft cloth or dry tissue and allow it to air dry t oroughly * Stop using the video immediately if you hear unusual sounds or if your phone overheats 물빼기, 소리, 스마트폰, 진동, 음파, 스피커, 방수, 방습, 수리, 응급처치, 습기, 물, 침수, 건조, 청소, 보호, 해결, 제거, 소프트웨어, 애플리케이션, 청력, 음량, 주파수, 기술, 가이드, 튜토리얼, 유지보수, 해결책, 방법, 안전 Mengeluarkan air dari speaker, cara mengeluarkan air dari speaker hp, speaker hp kena air, pembersih speaker hp, bersihkan speaker hp, suara pembersih speaker hp, mengeluarkan air dari speaker android, speaker cleaner, sound pembersih speaker, cara mengatasi speaker hp kena air, membersihkan speaker hp, how to, water out of speaker sound, sound to remove water from speaker, iphone, remove water from your phone, speaker cleaner sound, pembersih speaker, suara pembersih speaker hp android, sound speaker cleaner, cara mengeluarkan air darj speaker hp, sound bersihkan speaker hp, clean speaker cleaner, phone speaker cleaner, 1000hz, sound pembersih speaker hp, remove water from phone speaker, cara, gadgets, internet gratis, kuota gratis, tips, tips & trik, trik, tutorial, remove water from speaker, remove water, water removal, speaker, charging port, water evacuation, 874 hz, water damage, smartphone, phone repair, diy, quick fix, water in speaker, water in charging port, sound frequency, effective method, cara membersihkan speaker hp, suara untuk mengeluarkan air, pembersih speaker hp oppo, 165hz sound debu, speaker cleaning sound, suara membersihkan speaker hp, how to do, learn, drop, water, water drop sound, beatbox, learning, step, step by step, sound, arfa fazri, 160hz, 165 hertz, 165 hz tone, 165 hz, how to remove water from speaker, sine wave, remove water from phone sound, remove water from mobile speaker, eject water from iphone, eject water from airpods, eject water sound, sound to remove water from phone speaker in 2 minutes, speaker hp kemasukan air, cara memperbaiki speaker hp kemasukan air, cara mengatasi speaker hp yang kemasukan air, cara memperbaiki speaker hp yang kemasukan air, cara mengembalikan speaker hp yang kemasukan air, bagaimana jika speaker hp terkena air, speaker pecah kena air, water eject, cara keluarin air dari hp, cara keluarin air dari speaker hp, how to eject water from phone, fitur keluarin air dari hp, lalana corp, devina dan dion, ayo kita buktikan, test speaker, 3000hz, hz sound, 165hz, cara keluarkan air dari iphone, cara mengeluarkan air dari hp iphone, cara mengeluarkan air dari speaker hp iphone, cara mengeluarkan air di hp iphone, cara ngeluarin air masuk hp iphone, mengeluarkan air dari iphone, mengeluarkan air dari speaker iphone, speaker iphone kemasukan air, ios, tips iphone, cara mengeluarkan air dari speaker iphone, memperbaiki hp kemasukan air, memperbaiki speaker hp masuk air, mengeluarkan air di speaker iphone, speaker handphonemu kemasukan air!? || lakukan cara ini tanpa bongkar hp!, mobile speaker cleaning sound, water removal sound, phone speaker cleaner sound, clear speaker sound, water in speaker sound, iphone speaker cleaner sound, sound to get water out of speaker, subscribe now please, isolljahaha, hz untuk mengeluarkan air dari hp, mengeluarkan air dari speaker hp, sound 165 hz untuk mengeluarkan air dari speaker, sound 165 hz, sound 165 hz untuk mengeluarkan air dari speaker hp, sound to get water out of speakers