The Lost Astrolabe | Part 22 | Hogwarts Legacy | PS5 Pro RAY TRACING Mode

The Lost Astrolabe | Part 22 | Hogwarts Legacy | PS5 Pro RAY TRACING Mode

TIMESTAMPS INCLUDED BELOW _ _ An in progress walkthrough - no commentary - of Hogwarts Legacy on PS5 Pro, using Fidelity Ray Tracing graphics mode Hogwarts Legacy Playlist | PS5 Pro | Fidelity Ray Tracing Mode    • Hogwarts Legacy | PS5 Pro | Fidelity ...   0:00 Start of video 0:20 Speak to Grace 2:32 Dive in the Black Lake 3:53 Find the Astrolabe 4:46 Return to Grace #hogwartslegacy #hogwartslegacygameplay #ps5pro