The Secret to Poi Archer Weave and Fountains (Intermediate Body Tracing Tutorial)
Learn the secret to the poi archer weave and archer weave fountain! The archer weave is one of my favorite poi body tracers and here I'm going to break it down for you step by step, including how to do poi archer weaves on the reverse side and how to convert this trick into the archer weave fountain. Body tracers are some of the coolest poi tricks out there--join me for this poi body tracing tutorial to learn how to add archer weaves to your toolbox. Support these videos on Patreon: / drexfactorpoi New to poi? Check out my 9-video beginner series: • Beginner Poi Tutorial Series Use the promo code "dr3xfactor" for a discount on your order from Flowtoys https://flowtoys.idevaffiliate.com/id... Use the promo code "drexfact0r" for a discount on your order from LanternSmith http://lanternsmith.com/?aff=2 or Ultrapoi http://ultrapoi.com?aff=drexfact0r or Emazing Lights http://www.emazinglights.com Check out my 1-minute tutorials for bit-sized snippets of poi spinning knowledge: • 1-Minute Poi Spinning Tutorials Learn how to learn poi in my 5-part series on linear extensions: • Poi Spinning Tutorial: Linear Extensi... Be sure to follow me on Instagram for the latest cutting edge tricks I'm working on: / drexfactor Big thanks to the Friends of the Channel: Dark Monk: http://dark-monk.com Flowtoys: http://flowtoys.com LMF Props: http://lmfprops.com Spinballs: http://spinballspoi.com Ultrapoi: http://ultrapoi.com A huge thank you to this month's Flow Supporters: Lane Lillquist Ben Reynolds Anonymous Andrew Hammond Sean Stogner Brian Burg Clayton Burke William Kielty alexander edström Daniel Popescu John Gruber Kurt Hobbs Lydia duon almitra Kelsey Millar Aric Allen Graham VanBenthuysen Koen Maryns Iain Farrell Sarah Grimsley Dawn McCrink Graham Williams Liz Jones Angie Cordova Larnie Bruce Donte Johnson Antonio Zyx James A Hughes Anna Gerus Amber Scott McCoy James Chavez Libby Chase kristiansen Aaron Siladi Matt Schmidt Mary L Reichel Elizabeth Phillips MandiLynn Holzbach Christoph Mau Tica Bonita Erika (SpinclownGalaxy) Spinsconsin Kathleen Griswold Kimmie Cherry Pascal Buder Breigh Kelley IReverend Brainskan Derek Anderson Nikita Dubrovin jimid Wes Baggett Flow Fests GellaCraft Jim Martin Alena Ješko Alexis Krohn Noah Harasz Jeremiah Johnston JAK Bunny Sterling Bishop Brian Huddleston Terry Jonathan Maltz Mike Corelli Michael LaHood Chin Yi Michael Hebert David Donler Laura Conner Alex Ciminian Flow Mayhem Kelly King Silver Sara Nicholas Karen Jane