Feeling LOST in your career? Here's how to find the work you were MEANT to do!

Feeling LOST in your career? Here's how to find the work you were MEANT to do!

Stop being stuck in the wrong job! Join Pivot Like a Pro: a structured, step-by-step online programme to help you get clear on your next career move, and explore your career options in low-risk, smart way (without risking your finances or blowing up your career) 👉 https://irissmyth.com/pivot-like-a-pro // IN THIS VIDEO: Feeling LOST in your career? Here’s how to find the work you were MEANT to do! // Are you feeling lost career wise, feeling unhappy at work? In this video I’ll share how to find and do work you love. Want to change careers? You’ll understand why you’re feeling lost in your career path, and why you can’t find your purpose. #feelinglostinyourcareer #howtofindtheworkyouweremeanttodo #irissmyth // GRAB YOUR COPY OF THE CAREER CHANGE GUIDE: https://irissmyth.com/career-change-hub // JOIN PIVOT LIKE A PRO: https://irissmyth.com/pivot-like-a-pro // ALSO WATCH 1️⃣ Changing Careers, but don't know what to do? Try this BRAINSTORM 💡    • Changing Careers, but don't know what...   2️⃣ Quitting Your Job Without a Plan? Here's Why (and When) You SHOULD Do It || Career Change at 30+:    • Quitting Your Job Without a Plan? Her...   3️⃣ How to find your passion in life:    • How to FIND YOUR PASSION in Life as a...   4️⃣ Feeling Unhappy At Work? 3 MYTHS About Changing Careers & Finding Work You Love, DEBUNKED!    • Feeling Unhappy At Work? 3 MYTHS Abou...   // LET'S CONNECT! Website | www.irissmyth.com Instagram | @iris_smyth Facebook | Iris Smyth Career Coach Twitter | @its_iris_smyth // ABOUT ME Hi, I'm Iris! I've helped hundreds of corporate professionals to change careers, and start their own business. An ex-corporate professional myself, I know how what it's like to feel stuck in your career, but not knowing what else to do - or how to make that happen. I'm here to help you figure out what that 'something else' is (it's my super power!), and give you the clarity, structure, and confidence to find a new job, and build a career that you love and care about, and that challenges you to your full potential. // CREDITS Track: Discovery — JayJen & ASHUTOSH [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch:    • Discovery — JayJen & ASHUTOSH | Free ...   Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/discovery    • Feeling LOST in your career? Here's h...