How To Add Official Shibaai Token To The Binance Smart Chain Network

How To Add Official Shibaai Token To The Binance Smart Chain Network

BUY Shibaai at Shibaai referral code: 7014138 Assume you have the Metamask wallet ready & you have login to Metamask through your browser. Steps: 1) How to add BNB Smart Chain NETWORK to your Metamask. 2) How to add a USDT token to your BNB Smart Chain. 3) How to add a Shibaai token. 1) How to add BNB Smart Chain NETWORK to your Metamask. After adding the BNB Smart Chain Network, switch to it. Now, we are at the BNB network 2) How to add a USDT token to your BNB Smart Chain. Check the sign with + Import tokens But, we cannot see the USDT by search. So, we add a feature from the privacy and security section. Click on the 3-dot-lines menu at the top right, select setting, select security & privacy scroll down Check Token autodetection back to add the token USDT added. Done Next, 3) How to add a Shibaai token. Shibaai official website to buy Shibaai tokens. Visit for the Official smart contract. Shibaai referral code: 7014138 Smart contract: 0xc35ED584B24fd2D0885708E370343C43e20f3424 Now, go back to add the powerful token Copy 0xc35ED584B24fd2D0885708E370343C43e20f3424 Paste to the Custom Token It will auto-detect There is the Shibaai token on your Binance Smart Chain network. You can deposit . BNB . USDT . etc Please remember the wallet address is ONLY one. Use the wallet address to deposit & withdraw any tokens available inside your BNB Smart Chain network. #official #shibaai #shib #ai #smart #contract #website #buyshibaaitoken #shibaaismartcontract #binance #smart #chain #network #bnb #usdt #token #metamask #wallet Shibaai go to the moon!!