SA 701 Communicating Key Audit Matter KAM CA FINAL INTER AUDIT REVISION CA Exams Dec 2021
SA 701 Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s Report CA FINAL AUDIT REVISION, CA FINAL AUDIT LAST DAY REVISION, ca final audit 1.5 days revision, ca final audit 1.5 days revision strategy, Standards on Auditing, Standards on Auditing CA FINAL AUDIT CA INTER AUDIT CA IPCC AUDIT DON'T CLICK 😜😜 https://www.youtube.com/c/SHARDEYSAMR... YouTube Channel Link / shardeysamriddhiguidancessgstudywithcastudent Telegram Channel https://t.me/ssg_studyCAwithCAstudent Telegram Discussion Group (Exclusively for Group 1 OLD Course) https://t.me/ssgCAfinalDiscussion Instagram Handle https://www.instagram.com/learncawith... Handmade Crafts/Innovative Ideas YouTube Channel / @priyankapurohitmridulaprakash Mumukshu Gatha | Devotional YouTube Channel (for stress relief) / @mumukshugatha #StandardsOnAuditing #SA701 #CAFinalInterIpccAudit #SSG_PPP #Priyanka_Purohit timestamps 00:00 CA FINAL CA INTER CA IPCC Audit REVISION Dec21 00:15 CA FINAL AUDIT Revision 1.5 days before exams 00:30 SA 701 Revision Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s Report 06:18 SA 701 Circumstances in which KEY AUDIT MATTER KAM is not REPORTED PRIYANKA PUROHIT