Holy Rosary I Sorrowful Mysteries I 18 June I 6.00 PM I Friday

Holy Rosary I Sorrowful Mysteries I 18 June I 6.00 PM I Friday

#rosary #holyrosary #sorrowful #mysteries #Friday #Tuesday #sorrowful_mysteries Sorrowful Mysteries 1* The Agony in the Garden. Fruit of the Mystery: Sorrow for Sin, Uniformity with the Will of God 2* The Scourging at the Pillar. Fruit of the Mystery: Mortification (Purity) 3* The Crowning with Thorns. Fruit of the Mystery: Contempt of the World (Moral Courage) 4* The Carrying of the Cross. Fruit of the Mystery: Patience 5* The Crucifixion and Death of our Lord. Fruit of the Mystery: Perseverance in Faith, Grace for a Holy Death (Forgiveness) Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. The Holy Rosary refers to a set of prayers used in the Catholic Church and to the string of knots or beads used to count the component prayers.The prayers that compose the Rosary are arranged in sets of ten Hail Marys, called decades. Each decade is preceded by one Lord's Prayer and traditionally followed by one Glory Be. Many Catholics also choose to recite the "O my Jesus" prayer after the Glory Be, which is the most well-known of the seven Fatima Prayers. During recitation of each set, thought is given to one of the Mysteries of the Rosary, which recall events in the lives of Jesus and of Mary. Five decades are recited per rosary. Rosary beads are an aid towards saying these prayers in the proper sequence. The Mysteries of the Rosary are meditations on episodes in the life and death of Jesus from the Annunciation to the Ascension and beyond. These are traditionally grouped by fives into themed sets known as the Joyful (or Joyous) Mysteries, the Sorrowful Mysteries, and the Glorious Mysteries. holy rosary monday I holy rosary tuesday I holy rosary sunday I holy rosary today I holy rosary joyful mysteries I holy rosary glorious mysteries I holy rosary sorrowful mysteries I holy rosary prayer I holy rosary abq I holy rosary at the national shrine I holy rosary academy I holy rosary audio I holy rosary all mysteries I holy rosary at lourdes I a holy rosary contains how many chaplets I holy rosary band I holy rosary by mother angelica I holy rosary background music I holy rosary by mother mary I holy rosary catholic church I holy rosary church I holy rosary catholic church I holy rosary church hilmar I holy rosary chant I holy rosary carmen soriano I holy rosary christmas I holy rosary detroit lakes mn I holy rosary divine mercy I holy rosary daily I holy rosary devotion I holy rosary english I holy rosary espanol I holy rosary friday I holy rosary for saturday I holy rosary for tuesday I holy rosary for wednesday I holy rosary for thursday I holy rosary for sunday I holy rosary friday with scripture I holy rosary from lourdes I holy rosary glorious I holy rosary glorious mysteries with scripture I holy rosary gregorian I holy rosary guide I holy rosary gregorian chant I holy rosary glorious mysteries mother angelica I holy rosary glorious mysteries latin I holy rosary holy land I holy rosary healing I holy rosary houston vietnamese I holy rosary in latin I holy rosary in spanish I holy rosary in song I holy rosary in english I holy rosary in french I holy rosary in arabic I holy rosary in portuguese I holy rosary in polish I holy rosary joyful I holy rosary joyful mysteries with scripture I holy rosary joyous mysteries I holy rosary kenosha I holy rosary konkani I holy rosary luminous mysteries I holy rosary latin I holy rosary live I holy rosary live streaming I holy rosary lourdes