2020-0524 8:30 AM MASS 7th SUN. Easter Mass Livestream St. Richard of Chichester Barnesville PA
[Livestream feed begins at 8:25 AM] [When replaying recording fast forward recording about 5 min. for beginning of liturgy] 2020-0524 8:30 AM SUN. Mass 7th Sunday of Easter Livestream from the Church of St. Richard of Chichester, Barnesville, PA. Service Electric's internet, telephone and/or cable failed during the Mass interrupting the Mass live-stream due to faults in Service Electric's fiber optic network, so part of Eucharistic prayer may be missing from the video. Please see the complete HD (non-live-stream back up) recording which has the complete Mass and uploaded after the live-stream Mass video. * Please click the Subscribe Button to subscribe to the St. Richard of Chichester Youtube channel. www.strichard.org St. Richard of Chichester Online Giving https://strichard.org/online-giving St. Richard of Chichester Youtube Channel: / @saintrichardchichesterpari6430