5 MINUTE DAILY Exercise to Tone Your Back and Banish Bulge!
In today’s video, we will be doing a 14 day back and bra board challenge. This back fat and bra bulge challenge will be a 10 minute workout. You can do at home. So download the ML.fitness app and let’s get rid of that back fat and your bra Bulge! Download The ML.Fitness App📲: https://get.ml.fitness/zug0/MyApp 14 Day Challenge🔥: https://www.mrlondontv.co.uk/backfat1... --------------- Follow Me: Instagram: https://instagram.com/mrlondon_?igshi... TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mrlondontv?_t... ✖️WHAT IS MRLONDON ABOUT: What's going on ladies, Welcome to my YouTube channel. I've been a certified personal trainer for almost 8 years. I provide online coaching helping thousands of women every year worldwide. As you can see my main focus on my channel is helping women mentally and physically. My goal is to give women the motivation, confidence and knowledge to be the best versions of themselves! ✖️Business Inquires📧: [email protected] TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - INTRO 1:16 - BACK WORKOUT 11:11 - OUTRO