Corn Beef Cabbage Potato Soup | Amy Roloff's Little Kitchen
I love making what we call the traditional Irish dinner of Corn Beef Cabbage and Potatoes for St. Patrick’s Day. We all feel like we have a little bit of Irish in us during the month of March, don’t we? Sometimes I like breaking from tradition but still have the delicious taste of the traditional meal. Here’s a version of this traditional Irish dinner in a soup. Recipe ----------------- https://amyjroloff.com/corn-beef-cabb... Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen Website --- https://amyroloffslittlekitchen.com/ Instagram ------------- / amyjroloff Facebook -------------- / amyroloffofficalpage Twitter ------------------- / amyroloffcf YouTube--------- / @amyroloffslittlekitchen #amyroloffslittlekitchen #amyroloff #Corn #Beef #Cabbage #Potato #Soup