How Smart Were Neanderthals? Extinct Humans
Neanderthals got dealt a pretty bad hand by the anthropologists at the time of their discovery. Many people even in modern times still think of them as primitive cave dwelling brutes, which is a terrible shame and it’s time we change this perception. So if you know anyone who questions Neanderthal intelligence or skill, point them to this video and let me explain it as clear and concise as I can. William King examined a skull that was discovered in the Neander Valley in Germany and he concluded the skull to belong to a brute. The word “Neanderthal” from then on was not just to point out this specific hominid but it became a derogatory term as well and it’s time we change this for good. Neanderthals lived from approximately 400,000 years ago until 40,000 years ago in Europe and South-west Asia. They had stone tools, bone tools and they created ornaments from bones just like their modern human counterparts did at the time. They created necklaces from eagle talons as well. Neanderthals created a glue from birch bark, studies on stone tools suggests that they had the technology to spark fires, they used a flint and pyrite fire making system and in some cases pyrite on pyrite, there are the pieces of evidence that suggest that Neanderthals had ritual and spiritual practices and that they buried their dead. For a long time it was thought that only modern humans were able to create abstract and figurative forms of art, but a discovery of a 65,000 year old abstract cave paintings in Spanish caves shows that this is definitely not the case. Neanderthals have been able and capable of creating string as the oldest piece of string ever found was discovered in a cave in France dating from 50,000 years ago. #NeanderthalIntelligence #HowSmartWereNeanderthals #RethinkingNeanderthals Get your Merch: Become a Channel member: / @historywithkayleigh Support me on Patreon: / historywithkayleigh Sources: intelligence: https://www.livescience.com/12938-nea... https://www.nationalgeographic.com/sc... https://www.livescience.com/65003-how... https://www.livescience.com/38821-nea... String Study: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe... Neanderthals buried their dead: https://www.livescience.com/41982-nea... Neanderthal fire evidence: https://www.nature.com/articles/s4159... Ancient Structures: • Ancient Structures Ancient Queens: • The REAL Truth About Hatshepsut New Discoveries: • New Discoveries Fact or Fiction?: • Fact or Fiction? Please leave a comment, like & subscribe! Join my Discord: / discord Add me on Twitter: / kayleighhistory Add me on Instagram: / historywithkayleigh