I CAN SEE "CLAIRELY" NOW!! | Resident Evil 2 - Part 9
Howdy Folks! How the heck are yuh'? Welcome back to the channel and welcome back to our second ever edited twitch stream. We will be streaming live on twitch every Tuesday and Thursday starting at 6 P.M. (C). Those streams will then be edited and uploaded onto YouTube on Saturday and Sunday respectively (except this one due to technical difficulties). Just when you thought there wasn't enough MFIC Gaming videos, we go ahead and hit you with 7 days of continuous content. So grab a beverage, buckle up, and join us as we brave Raccoon City! As always we thank all of those who served and are currently serving in the armed forces. None of this would be possible without yall! Subscribe Today - http://bit.ly/2OpuHzu FOLLOW ME ON TWITCH! - / mfic_gaming Apparel: MFIC Gaming Store - etsy.me/2Z4xGBP (We make funny fan T-Shirts, NOT MERCHANDISE) Partners/Sponsors: Gamer Grind Coffee - https://www.gamergrind.co/ Use code "MFIC GAMING" at checkout for 5% off your order As always we thank all of those who served and are currently serving in the armed forces. None of this would be possible without yall!