417Hz Remove All Negative Energy, Positive Energy, Bowls, Undoing situations & Facilitating Change.
Remove All Negative Energy, Tibetan Bowls, Positive Energy, Wipes Out All Negative Energy, Remove Old Negative Energy From Home, Remove Negative Vibrations from Home. Namaste Please use earbuds or headphones for best results SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES The frequencies are the following: ★ 174 Hertz: This Frequency is highly beneficial & effective for removing & relieving pain. It is naturally calming and deep which helps to remove negative auras around you. ★ 285 Hertz: This frequency helps to balance into the multi-dimensional fields of awareness through the law of truth and wisdom. It works on energy fields: auric, etheric, mental which are responsible for the purity and perfection of human organs. ★ 396 Hertz: DO. It is usually related to guilt and fear, helping release suppressed emotions. It is associated with the color red and the root chakra. ★ 417 Hertz: RE. This frequency can help you to recognize and release past traumas and rigid thought patterns that are no longer valuable in your life It is associated with the color orange and the sacral chakra. ★ 528 Hertz: MI. Associated with DNA, peace of mind, and clarity. This frequency is said to help you heal and recover from sickness. Some claim it can upgrade your DNA. It is associated with the color yellow and the solar plexus chakra. ★ 639 Hertz: FA. It is usually related to Interpersonal relationships. This frequency can help you heal those difficult relationships you still have from the past while also reconnecting with those who are valuable in your present. It is associated with the color green and the heart chakra. ★ 741 Hertz: SOL. It is usually related to emotions and stability. This frequency can help you solve problems you may have in your life and express your higher truth. It is associated with the color blue and the throat chakra. ★ 852 Hertz: LA. It is usually related to the views of oneself and the universe. Reflection is the keyword. The mind's eye. It is associated with the color indigo and the third eye chakra. ★ 963 Hertz: SI. it is usually related to the feeling of oneness or connectedness. It means awakening and being interconnected to the universe. This frequency helps you to reconnect with yourself. It is associated with the color purple and the crown chakra. #meditation #cleanse #energy #energyhealing #blockages #reduceanxiety #chakras #chakrahealing #meditationmusic #tibetanbowls #reducestress #meditationjourney #solfeggio #solfeggiofrequencies #417hz #meditationmusic #healingmusic #frequencyhealing #soundhealing #musicforhealing #soundtherapy #meditation #relaxationmusic #healingvibrations #mindbodyspirit #frequencymeditation #meditationfrequency #musictherapy #innerpeace #holistichealth #healingvibes #wellness #chakrahealing #mindfulness #positivevibes #stressrelief #relaxingmusic #yogamusic #healingtones #innerbalance #soundbath #reiki #naturalsound #holistic #meditationmusicforsleep #vibrationalmedicine #musicforyoga #relaxing #mindfulmeditation #yogalifestyle #meditationmusicforanxiety #soundhealingtherapy #calmness #peacefulmusic #musicforspiritualawakening #meditationforpeace #musicforrelaxation #healingmusicforsleep #meditationmusicforhealing #musicformindfulness #musicforinnerpeace #chakrabalancing #meditationmusicforstressrelief #sleepmusic #musicforyogainspiration #musicforchakrahealing #calmmusic #reikimusic #meditationmusicforchakrahealing #musicforinnerbalance #musicforwellness #musicforrelaxationandmeditation #soulhealingmusic #musicforyogapractice #musicforrelaxationandstressrelief #musicforreikihealing #musicforpositivevibes #musicformindbodyspirit #meditationmusicforanxietyrelief #musicforyogaandmeditation #musicforholistichealth #musicforhealingandrelaxation #musicforyogawellness #musicforsoundhealing #meditationmusicforbalance #musicforyogainspirationandrelaxation #musicforpeaceandcalmness #musicforyogainnerpeace #musicforholisticwellness #musicforreikibalancing #musicforhealingthemindbodyandspirit #musicforyogachakrahealing #musicforrelaxationyogaandmeditation #musicforhealingthebodymindandspirit #musicforyogasoundhealing #musicforyogapositivevibes #musicforrelaxationandinnerpeace #musicforyogainspirationandstressrelief #musicforyogacalmness #musicforholisticmeditation #musicforyogabreak #musicforyogainspirationandmindfulness #musicforhealingvibrationsandmeditation #musicforyogainnerbalance #musicforyogapeacefulmeditation #musicforyogareikihealing #musicforyogasoundtherapy #musicforyogarelaxationandmeditation #musicforyogameditationforpeace #musicforyogasmallbreak #musicforyogainnerpeaceandmeditation #musicforyogabreakandmeditation #musicforyogameditationandrelaxation #musicforyogasmallbreakandrelaxation