오르간 새찬송가 반주- 126장. 천사 찬송하기를 (통126)

오르간 새찬송가 반주- 126장. 천사 찬송하기를 (통126)

찬송곡은 채널 플레이리스트에 차례대로 나열되어있습니다. Hark! the Herald Angels Sing. 1.Hark! the her-ald an-gels sing, "Glo-ry to the new-born King; Peace on earth, and mer-cy mild, God and sin-ners rec-on-ciled!" Joy-ful, all ye na-tions, rise, Join the tri-umph of the skies; With th' an-gel-ic host pro-claim, "Christ is born in Beth-le-hem!" Hark! the her-ald an-gels sing, "Glo-ry to the new-born King." 2.Christ, by high-est heaven a-dored, Christ, the Ev-er-last-ing Lord! Late in time be-hold Him come, Off-spring of the Vir-gin's womb. Veiled in flesh the God-head see; Hail th' In-car-nate De-i-ty Pleased as man with men to dwell, Je-sus, our Em-man-u-el. Hark! the her-ald an-gels sing, "Glo-ry to the new-born King." 3.Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Sun of Right-eous-ness! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with heal-ing in His wings. Mild He lays His glo-ry by, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them sec-ond birth. Hark! the her-ald an-gels sing, "Glo-ry to the new-born King." A-men. This Hymn is Performed by YooniqueMusic. #immanuelpiano #임마누엘피아노 #찬송가반주 #오르간찬송가반주 #찬송126장 #예배반주 #가정예배 #천사찬송하기를