![Moldy Gameplay: Resident Evil 2 Remake: RE 1.5 Elza B (2nd Run) [Mod]](https://krtube.net/image/EPJh0PXDTkc.webp)
Moldy Gameplay: Resident Evil 2 Remake: RE 1.5 Elza B (2nd Run) [Mod]
This RE2R "themed" swaps series mainstay Claire for her prototype Elza Walker from the prototype Resident Evil 1.5, courtesy of the mods detailed below. Mod List: 1) RESIDENT EVIL 2 +19 +1 FearLess Cheat Table by Cielos - https://fearlessrevolution.com/thread... (used for altering weapon/item spawns) 2) Resident Evil 2 Remake Model Swap / Item / Camera +13 Trainer v3.1.2 by wilsonso - Resident evil modding boards (YouTube forbids links) (used for swapping useless items/ammo) 3) Ultimate Trainer for Resident Evil 2 Remake by Raz0r - https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevi... (Alternate inventory editor) 4) Snipz's Gun Workshop (Black MUP) https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevi... 5) S&W 329 Magnum over Claire's SLS 60: (closer to python from Re1.5) Resident evil modding boards (YouTube forbids links) 6) Glock 19 over Matilda: (RE1.5 had Glock for burst handgun, no Matilda) Resident evil modding boards (YouTube forbids links) 7) 9mm Ammo Retexture - Tony's Arms (1998 Handgun ammo) - Resident evil modding boards (YouTube forbids links) 8) Classic Inventory & Tony Arms Ammo Icon https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevi... 9) Blond Claire (Elza Walker) - Resident evil modding boards (YouTube forbids links) 10) 2nd Run Handgun Ammo [Update 5.0] - Resident evil modding boards (YouTube forbids links) If you want to try your own run, legal weapons include: Claire: Combat Knife (normal or infinite), MUP (modded to all black), GM 79 w/ stock, MQ 11 W/ Supressor & Ext Mag, Matilda w/ Gun Stock, ext. mag. & muzzle break (modded to Glock), W-870, SLS 60 w/ Reinforced frame (modded to Colt Python or anything close); W-870 w/ Barrel & Stock; LE 5; Anti-tank Rocket; Run/Mod Notes: (Minor SPOILER Warning) -If you alter a weapon spawn (e.g. change the magnum to a shotgun) its ammo type may not be right (the shotgun will try to use magnum ammo); you must edit the item to fix the ammo type via cheat table. -Weapons added to your inventory by wilsonso's or Raz0r's trainer are sometimes unusable until you either a) save and re-load while it is in your inventory (auto-saves count! See tip below), or b) put the item in the item box and then pull it back out). -LE5 seems to disappear from box/inventory sometimes (maybe because I had not unlocked it legitimately yet?). General Disclaimer: MoldyCrowProductions does not own, nor is affiliated with any of the owners of the IPs of the games we play. We do, however, own MoldyCrowProductions, and our commentaries. The opinions of the hosts are solely their own, and do not necessarily reflect anyone else's. So feel free to disagree.