Gardening & Greenhouse Makeover & Tour | SPRING CLEAN 6

Gardening & Greenhouse Makeover & Tour | SPRING CLEAN 6

Come spend a few days planning and planting all of the garden beds, updating the greenhouse, getting a tour of our garden area (including a view at night) and sharing the entire process and costs to date. ⋙ Come hangout on Insta:   / kalynnicholson13   ⋙ 2024 vlog songs can be found here: ⋙ I found a link to the Gardener's Journal: I wrote some books: Catcher [dystopian fiction] ▹ Dancing With Elephants [poetry] ▹ FEELS [self-development] ▹ dear whoever you are ❤︎ whether you've been here for a while or only arrived a short time ago, you watch every video or you just pop in when you need a warm space to sip and tune into some comforting content -- thank you for your support and spending your digital currency here! This video was not sponsored or gifted. ❤