9:30AM MASS-CHRISTMAS - December 25, 2022; ST. LEO the Great Parish
Hello and Welcome to St. Leo Parish in Tacoma, Washington Subscribe to our channel More ways to connect with St. Leo's: Like us on Facebook and follow our Facebook page: / stleoparishtacoma Visit us on the Web: https://stleoparish.org/ Here you will find our weekly bulletin, calendar of events, and much more. Sign up to receive our weekly email: https://stleoparish.org/contact-us ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Parishioners: As you may be aware the COVID-19 Omicron variant is now the dominant variant in new cases in Pierce and King Counties, the case rate is rising, and hospitalizations are rising. This week we learned that two participants of a recent St. Leo choir rehearsal had positive tests for COVID-19. Therefore, out of an abundance of caution, our music program for Christmas and the weekends following through January 2022 will be reduced to cantor and accompanist. We also ask that our mass participants not engage in congregational singing and continue to wear masks at all times that you are indoors. Please see our website or bulletin for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prayer for Virtual Communion: My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. Offertory gifts and donations can be made online via our St. Leo Online Giving program Vanco | https://gp.vancopayments.com/gpo/#/do... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++