DON’T Sell on Etsy, do THIS instead ($7,057 per week)

DON’T Sell on Etsy, do THIS instead ($7,057 per week)

You want to make passive income from digital products and you want to sell on Etsy because they “send traffic for you.” In this video I’m going to share why you should NOT sell on etsy and what you should do instead! ✨FREE TRAINING "How to Create & Sell your own Digital products for Consistent Passive Income: ✨14-Day YouTube Quickstart: ✨FREE List of 54 Digital Product Ideas: ✨FREE copy of Molly's exact YouTube Script Template: ✨FREE Funnel for Growing your Email List: ✨FREE account so you can run your entire online business all in one spot! ✨FREE Trial of Skool so you can create your own paid community or membership! ✨ 60 Day FREE Trial of SpotterStudio so you can grow your Youtube Channel faster: WATCH THESE VIDEOS NEXT: 🎥This ONE Strategy brought me $8M in digital product sales    • This One Strategy Brought me $8M in D...   🎥Easiest Passive Income - How to Sell Digital Products Online (Platform I Use)    • Easiest passive income - how to sell ...   🎥How Much YouTube Paid me with 4k Subscribers (first 2 weeks)    • How Much Youtube Paid me with 4k subs...   *Some of the links above include affiliate links. If you click those links and make a purchase I may receive a small portion of the sale. Thanks for supporting my channel!