How To Pass A Mouth Swab Drug Test | Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Drug Test Gum Review

How To Pass A Mouth Swab Drug Test | Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Drug Test Gum Review Oral Clear Saliva Drug Test Gum: In this video I wanted to cover something that I discussed the in the past but I didn’t go to into depth about. As you guys know, there are many different types of drug tests that are out there and some of you guys are in a position where you are drug test on the spot and when it comes to on the spot drug tests they are usually saliva based. In this video I wanted to talk about how to pass a mouth swab drug test with Detox mouthwashes and saliva neutralizing chewing gums such as Toxin Rid Rescue Wash and the saliva detox gum called Oral Clear. Its very important that you guys keep in mind that these methods are for on the spot tests and are not used to be a full detox for pre employment drug tests, for those type of tests I recommend the synthetic urines. A quick tip when it comes to passing your saliva drug tests are to keep handy the products I discuss in this video.