You belong to God's Kingdom! #faith #prayer #bible #christian #jesus #motivation #facts #gospel #god

You belong to God's Kingdom! #faith #prayer #bible #christian #jesus #motivation #facts #gospel #god

You belong to God's Kingdom! You are not of this world—you belong to God's Kingdom! John 18 verse 36 says When Jesus stood before Pilate, He declared My Kingdom is not of this world!. And if you are in Christ, then you are a citizen of His Kingdom, not the broken systems of this earth! The world may offer temporary pleasures, but His Kingdom gives eternal life. The world may shake, but His Kingdom stands unshakable. You are chosen, set apart, and called to live by heaven’s authority, not earth’s limitations! Don’t live like you’re bound to this world—walk in the Power, Righteousness, and Victory of God’s Kingdom! Stand in faith & declare--I am a child of the King and His Kingdom is my home! Live with Kingdom authority & let the world see the light of Christ in you!