Sunday Morning Live at All Saints Church, Pasadena, on Sunday, December 24, 2023.

Sunday Morning Live at All Saints Church, Pasadena, on Sunday, December 24, 2023.

Sunday is both the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve, December 24, 2023! We will live-stream the Advent IV service at 10:00 a.m., and Christmas Eve services at 3:00, 5:00, 7:30 and 10:30 p.m. At 7:30 p.m. Festive Eucharist Canterbury Choir and chamber orchestra offer Mass in C Major, K 337, by Mozart and music of Barnum and Willcocks. Mike Kinman preaches. At 10:30 p.m. Festive Eucharist Coventry Choir and chamber orchestra offer Coronation Mass in C Major, K 317 by Mozart and music of Forrest. Mike Kinman preaches. Please take a moment to donate to support the mission and ministries of All Saints at Visit our Live Streaming webpage at to access the service leaflets, the Action of the Week and Prayer Requests. We're glad you are with us today!