오르간 새찬송가 반주- 108장. 그 어린 주 예수 (통113)
Away in a Manger 1 A-way in a man-ger, No crib for a bed, The lit-tle Lord Je-sus Laid down His sweet head The stars in the bright sky Looked down where He lay, The lit-tle Lord Je-sus, A-sleep on the hay 2 The cat-tle are low-ing; The poor Ba-by wakes, But lit-tle Lord Je-sus, No cry-ing He makes I love Thee, Lord Je-sus! Look down from the sky, And stay by my cra-dle To watch lul-la-by 3 Be near me, Lord Je-sus; I ask Thee to stay Close by me for-ev-er, And love me, I pray Bless all the dear chil-dren In Thy ten-der care, And take us to heav-en, To live with Thee there A-men This Hymn is Performed by YooniqueMusic #immanuelpiano #오르간찬송가반주108장 #임마누엘피아노 #찬송가반주 #오르간찬송가반주 #EveryDailyComposer #찬송108장 #예배반주 #가정예배반주자 #그어린주예수