Uncomfortable Truths That Will Make You Stronger (Part 1) | Psych2Go

Uncomfortable Truths That Will Make You Stronger (Part 1) | Psych2Go

In this video, we're going to explore some hard truths about life. We'll talk about things like cheating, failing, and tough life lessons. But don't worry, these uncomfortable truths will make you stronger. By learning how to deal with difficult situations, you'll be able to conquer anything life throws at you! What did you think of this list? Are there any others you'd add? 🤔 Credits: Script & Research: Chamae Script Editing: Rida Batool Script Manager: Kelly Soong Voice: Maggie Raffaelli Animation: Naphia YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong Music: Flowers – a[way] (No Copyright Music) -    • Flowers – a[way] (No Copyright Music)   References: 10 uncomfortable truths about life. (2021, April 13). A great mood. Retrieved on May 30, 2022, from https:// www.agreatmood.com/uncomfortable-truths-about-life/ Awosika, A. (July 23, 2019). 9 uncomfortable but liberating truths about life: accept them to permanently change for the better. Oh, the author. Retrieved on May 30, 2022, from http:// www.ayotheauthor.com/7-uncomfortable-but-liberating-truths-life-accept-permanently-change-for-the-better/ Brian, P. (May 11, 2022). Infidelity Statistics (2022): How many cheats are there? Spirit Hack. Retrieved on May 30, 2022, from https:// www.hackspirit.com/infidelity-statistics/#:%7E:text=As%20stated%2C%20according%20to%20the,from%20its%20past%20miniscule%20amount. Gunel, S. (January 5, 2022). 9 Inconvenient Truths You Must Accept Early In Life. Half. Retrieved on May 30, 2022, from https:// www.medium.com/personal-growth/9-uncomfortable-truths-you-should-accept-early-in-life-7f61c13afdd1 Houston, E., B.Sc. (2022, May 23). What is hope in psychology + 7 exercises and worksheets. Positive Psychology. Com. Retrieved on May 30, 2022, from https:// www.psicologíapositive.com/esperanza-terapia/ THE OFFICIAL. (2022, January 21). 22 uncomfortable truths about life that (almost) nobody likes to tell – L'OFFICIEL Austria, the latest trends in fashion, beauty, accessories. Retrieved on May 30, 2022, from https:// www.lofficiel.at/en/psychology/22-uncomfortable-truths-about-life-that-almost-nobody-wants-to-admit Makayla. (2019, October 25). Is it true that once a cheater always a cheater? Encyclopedia.Com. Retrieved on May 30, 2022, from https:// www.encyclopedia.com/daily/is-it-true-that-once-a-cheater-always-a-cheater/#:%7E:text=Experts%20say%20no.,again%20in%20their%20next% 20relationship. Moore, M. (2021, October 29). Long-term psychological effects of infidelity. Center of Psychology. Retrieved on May 30, 2022, from https:// www.psychcentral.com/health/long-term-psychological-effects-of-infidelity#:%7E:text=Infidelity%20can%20have%20lasting%20impacts,infidelity%20with%20time%20and%20therapy. Stanley, S., Ph. D. (2017, October 3). 403 Forbidden. Psychology Today. Retrieved on May 30, 2022, from https:// www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sliding-vs-deciding/201710/is-partner-who-has-cheated-likely-cheat-again World Health Organization. (North Dakota). GHE: Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy. Retrieved on May 30, 2022, from www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/mortality-and-global-health-estimates/ghe-life-expectancy-and-healthy-life-expectancy#:%7E:text=Globally%2C%20life% 20expectation%20has%20increased,reduced%20years%20lived%20with%20disability. #Psych2Go #truths --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- English version of this video:    • 9 Uncomfortable Truths That Will Make...   Main Psych2Go English channel:    / psych2go   Contact: If you have any questions, feel free to email us at [email protected] Contact the English channel: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Psych2Go Spanish Channel (This is the only Official Psych2Go Spanish channel. Other channels such as Practical Wisdom, for example, use the content of our original Psych2Go channel, independently.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |00:00| Introduction |00:47| 1. Life is long |01:59| 2. Deceptions |03:18| 3. Disappointments |04:53| 4. Decisions |06:05| Conclusion