80+ Marks Guaranteed in Sem 1 Examinations😯 | Jan,25 | Bcom/Bcom(H) | Delhi University

80+ Marks Guaranteed in Sem 1 Examinations😯 | Jan,25 | Bcom/Bcom(H) | Delhi University

"Brahmastra course will only be accessible in application only ,not on web" 📌*SEM 1 | BRAHMASTRA COURSE* - https://classplusapp.com/w/wlp/ukynbk... 📌*Join WhatsApp community for important notes/updates* - https://chat.whatsapp.com/JOiUF5CC6nt... 📌 COMBO (BLAW + FA) : Bcom(H) - https://www.fullmarksclasses.com/4123... Bcom(P) - https://www.fullmarksclasses.com/4133... 📌 BUSINESS LAW : Bcom(H) - https://www.fullmarksclasses.com/4097... Bcom(P) - https://www.fullmarksclasses.com/4122... 📌 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING : Bcom(H) - https://www.fullmarksclasses.com/4115... Bcom(P) - https://www.fullmarksclasses.com/4133... 📌To Download application , For android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... For IOS - https://apps.apple.com/in/app/myinsti... ORGANISATION CODE - UKYNBK (for ios users) 📌For courses , visit our website - https://www.fullmarksclasses.com ORGANISATION CODE - UKYNBK (for ios users) 📌Subscribe the YouTube channel to never miss important updates, notes etc✨ Subscribe the channel for more examination related important questions, updates ❤️ 📍oneshot 📍100% shivdas coverage 📍Important and key areas marked 📍Previous year questions discussion 📍Nothing left outside it