Christmas Eve 5:00 PM Rite II - Communion - Trinity Episcopal Church, Hartford
Live streamed from Trinity Church, Hartford Leaflet can be downloaded from https://www.trinityhartford.org/leaflet Presider: The Rev. D. Littlepage Storyteller: Ms. Nancy Crandall Music Director: Michelle Horsley Reader and Intercessor: Freya Minster of Communion: Kate Byroade Verger: Roy McAlpine Acolyte: Jon A/V Guild: Elizabeth Rousseau Altar Flowers: George Chien, Percy Williamson Prelude: The Holly and the Ivy - Traditional Amy Arlin and Michelle Horsley, voice Prelude on "The Holly and the Ivy" - Herbert Sumison (1899-1995) O Come, All Ye Faithful #83, The Hymnal 1982 Angels We Have Heard On High (verse 1 only) #96, The Hymnal 1982 What Child is This? #115, The Hymnal 1982 Offertory: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Traditional Amy Arlin and Michelle Horsley, voice God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Traditional, arr. Larry Shackley (b. 1956) Alfred Burt Carol Medley - arr. Mark Hayes (b. 1952) Joy to the World #100, The Hymnal 1982 Silent Night, Holy Night #111, The Hymnal 1982 Postlude: Stille Nacht (Op. 55, No. 8) - Gunther Gottsche (b. 1953) The words of the service are taken from The Book of Common Prayer and Enriching Our Worship Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible ©1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All Rights Reserved. Hymns and service music from: The Hymnal 1982 ©1985 The Church Pension Fund Used by permission of Church Publishing Inc., New York, NY. All Rights Reserved. Lift Every Voice and Sing II, ©1993 The Church Pension Fund Used by permission of Church Publishing Inc., New York, NY. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission under One License No. 712490-A. © 2021 Trinity Episcopal Church, Hartford, Connecticut