Bake the BEST Sourdough in 20 Minutes Hands on! Here's How...

Bake the BEST Sourdough in 20 Minutes Hands on! Here's How...

Is it possible to make a beautiful 100% whole wheat sourdough that actually has a nice oven spring and volume? For sure. You can even use a simple trick to make your life easier. Recipe: 450g whole wheat flour 360g water 100g 100% whole wheat sourdough starter 10g salt Process: Start by sifting the flour Hydrate it with 300g water (autolyse for 2 h) Hydrate the remaining bran with 40g water Add sourdough starter to the dough and mix well, then rest for 30 minutes Add salt and the remaining 20g of water and mix well, then rest for 30 minutes Perform a stretch and fold and incorporate the hydrated bran into the dough Perform 3 coil fold 1h apart Pre shape, bench rest for 1h Final shape, bench rest for 1h Place the shaped dough into the fridge overnight (I kept it for 15h) Score directly from the fridge and bake How to make your sourdough starter:    • How To Create An Active Sourdough Sta...   How to bake your sourdough:    • I STOPPED using a Dutch Oven for my s...   Tools used in this video: Dough scraper: Bench Knife: Mini silicon spatula: Jar: Kitchen scale: Dough couche: Wooden Pulp Banneton: Flour Duster: Small Flour Duster: Let's be social Instagram:  / maia_maia101   TikTok:  / maia.maia101   Pinterest:  / sourdough_baking_studio   Facebook:  / microbrutariacumaia   Chapters: 0:00 Can you make a 100% whole wheat sourdough? 0:15 Sifting the whole wheat flour 1:20 Hydrate the bran 1:35 Autolyse 2:30 Add sourdough starter 3:20 Add salt 4:15 Stretch and fold 5:23 First Coil folds 6:08 Second Coil Fold 6:29 Third Coil fold 6:53 Sourdough Pre shape 7:29 Sourdough Final Shape 8:35 Place sourdough into the fridge 8:58 Next day bake 9:35 Sourdough bread 10:00 Sourdough crumb #bread #sourdough #sourdoughbread