Debunking the Worst Into the Spider-Verse Review of All Time

Debunking the Worst Into the Spider-Verse Review of All Time

4 years ago, a YouTuber by the name of Christian Lake made a review of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and why it was not only overrated, but a bad movie. Join me, a slideshow commentator, in what I consider to be the worst Into the Spider-Verse review on the internet. Original Videos Part 1:    • Into The Spider-verse is overrated an...   Part 2:    • Into The Spider-verse is overrated an...   2xGg nz Part 3:    • Into The Spider-verse is overrated an...   “Hey” Shoulder Touch Meme Into the Spider-Verse’s inspirations A** Pull Definition Mega Man X3 Gameplay by Marx    • Mega Man X3 - All Bosses (No Damage, ...