SQUID GAME's Deadliest Challenges of SEASON 1 | Explained by CurioCusine

SQUID GAME's Deadliest Challenges of SEASON 1 | Explained by CurioCusine

Here are the 6 games from Squid Game Season 1, along with their thrilling twists: 1. *Red Light, Green Light*: Players must cross a field without being detected by a giant robot. 2. *Honeycomb Dalgona*: Players must carefully extract shapes from a honeycomb-like candy without breaking it. 3. *Tug of War*: Teams engage in a high-stakes game of tug of war, with losers falling to their deaths. 4. *Marbles*: Players compete in a game of marbles, with the losers being eliminated. 5. *Glass Bridge*: Players must cross a bridge made of glass panels, some of which are fragile and will shatter #games #squidgame #season #season1 #netflix #kdrama #leejungjae #game #player001 #player456 #redlightgreenlight #honeycomb #tugofwar #marble #glassbridgechallenge #netflixoriginal #squidgame1 #series