Energy for Alpha & Beta Decay | Class 11 Physics NBF | Unit 14: Particle Physics

Energy for Alpha & Beta Decay | Class 11 Physics NBF | Unit 14: Particle Physics

UNIT 14 | Class 11 Physics | PARTICLE PHYSICS | By National Book Foundation    • UNIT 14 - PARTICLE PHYSICS NBF   L#2 Particle's decay    • Particle Decay | Antiparticle | Class...   ---- Energy for Alpha & Beta Decay | Class 11 Physics | Unit 14: Particle Physics | National Book Foundation 2024 --- Description: Energy for Alpha & Beta Decay | Class 11 Physics | Unit 14: Particle Physics | National Book Foundation 2024 In this video, we discuss the energy involved in Alpha and Beta Decay, a key concept from Unit 14: Particle Physics in the Class 11 Physics textbook by the National Book Foundation (NBF), 2024 edition. Topics Covered: What is alpha decay & what is beta decay Energy for Alpha (α) Particles  Introduction  Quantization of Energy Levels  Binding Energies  Conservation of Energy Energy for Beta (β) Particles  Introduction  Quantum Uncertainty  Neutrinos in Beta Decay  Conservation Law  Final State Interaction This lecture is tailored for Federal Board and AJK Board students, providing step-by-step explanations and problem-solving techniques to master the topic effectively. Like, share, and subscribe for more Class 11 Physics lectures! ----- #AlphaDecay #BetaDecay #ParticlePhysics #Class11Physics #NuclearDecay #BindingEnergy #PhysicsLectures #NationalBookFoundation #NBF2024 #FederalBoard #AJKBoard #class11physics #particlephysics #EnergyforAlpha (α)Particles #EnergyforBeta(α)Particles #aliliaqatphysics #Energy for Alpha(α)Particles #Introduction #QuantizationofEnergyLevels #BindingEnergies #ConservationofEnergy #EnergyforBeta(β)Particles #QuantumUncertainty #NeutrinosinBetaDecay #ConservationLaw #FinalStateInteraction