Are these REAL Silvester Traditions? | Fragen an die Deutschen
I need your help! In today’s video I am going over some crazy strange German Silvester / New Years traditions that I found online, but I’m not sure if any of them are REAL traditions. Last year I made a video about all of the differences in celebrating New Years or New Years Eve in Germany versus in the United States, but this year I decided to do some research online and find out what traditions I missed out on. Some of them included lucky figurines of pigs and pilze (mushrooms) while others were super weird like keeping a fish scale in your wallet for good luck or participating in a traditional “Rummelpottlauf”. If you are German then please let me know which of these are real and which are fake in the comments below! New Years Differences in Germany vs the US Video! • WTH IS SILVESTER?! 🎆 German New Year'... Websites with these "traditions" https://www.dw.com/en/10-german-tradi... https://www.germany-insider-facts.com... https://www.iamexpat.de/lifestyle/lif... Instagram: @montana.showalter Current Sub Count: 67400 Are you German? Study in the US for FREE https://www.bundestag.de/ppp Are you American? Study in Germany for FREE https://www.usagermanyscholarship.org/ Who am I? My name is Montana Showalter, and I was a participant in the Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange program in 2019-2020. I started my Youtube channel while living in Germany and continue to make videos on German vs American culture. I love finding aspects of German culture in the US as well as producing videos in German as practice! In the future, I hope to live abroad again :)