2 Peter 1 // Wednesday Night Service (December 7, 2022)
Join us for our Wednesday Night Service (7PM). ----- Online Services Schedule: • Online Studies Schedule To give online, go to the link below: https://www.calvarygs.org/give For resources for having Children's Ministry at home, go to the link below: / ccgskids https://tinyurl.com/CCGSkids Connect with Calvary Chapel Golden Springs: Raul Ries App: https://subsplash.com/calvarygs/app Follow Raul Ries on Instagram: https://www.calvarygs.org/CCGS-Insta/ Follow Calvary Chapel Golden Springs on Facebook: https://www.calvarygs.org/CCGS-FB/ If you would like to listen to Pastor Raul Ries' entire audio library, go to https://www.calvarygs.org/media/audio... ----- Online Services Schedule: • Online Studies Schedule To give online, go to the link below: https://www.calvarygs.org/give For resources for having Children's Ministry at home, go to the link below: / ccgskids https://tinyurl.com/CCGSkids Connect with Calvary Chapel Golden Springs: Raul Ries App: https://subsplash.com/calvarygs/app Follow Raul Ries on Instagram: https://www.calvarygs.org/CCGS-Insta/ Follow Calvary Chapel Golden Springs on Facebook: https://www.calvarygs.org/CCGS-FB/ If you would like to listen to Pastor Raul Ries' entire audio library, go to https://www.calvarygs.org/media/audio...