Void And voidable Marriage #Hindu law in Hindi #HMA ACT1955#

Void And voidable Marriage #Hindu law in Hindi #HMA ACT1955#

In legal terms, a void marriage is invalid from the start, while a voidable marriage is valid until annulled by a court.  Here's a more detailed explanation: Void Marriage: A void marriage is one that is considered illegal and invalid from the very beginning (ab initio).  Examples: Under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, a marriage is void if it's between relatives within prohibited degrees of relationship, or if one party has a living spouse.  No Decree Required: A void marriage doesn't require a court decree to be declared invalid; it's automatically considered null and void.  Legitimacy of Children: Children born from a void marriage are considered legitimate.  Voidable Marriage: Definition: A voidable marriage is initially considered valid but can be annulled by a court at the request of one of the parties involved.  Examples: Grounds for a voidable marriage include: One party was under the age of consent.  One party was of unsound mind.  One party concealed a material fact about their health or background.  One party was forced or coerced into the marriage.  Decree Required: A court decree is necessary to declare a voidable marriage invalid.  Legitimacy of Children: Children born from a voidable marriage are considered legitimate.  Subsists Until Annulled: A voidable marriage continues to