Growing through Life’s Challenges | Mark 4:14–20 | Our Daily Bread Video Devotional
Frustrated with your process? Tired of the endless “purpose chase”? Life can be a challenge and leave us feeling discouraged. But there is something greater working within you to bring hope, light, and joy to your life. Will you let it grow? Written by Jake Norris. Presented by Daniel Ryan Day. Tired of navigating the storms of life by yourself? Read this to see you’re never really alone: https://discoveryseries.org/courses/n... Like, Share, and Subscribe at https://ourdailybread.org/videos to get these Daily Devotional Videos sent right to you! About Our Daily Bread: Our Daily Bread Ministries helps millions of people connect with God each day. For more than 80 years, our purpose has remained the same: to reach people with the life-changing wisdom of the Bible. How to get Our Daily Bread: Read Now: https://odb.org/today Facebook: / ourdailybread Instagram: / ourdailybread Twitter: / ourdailybread Print: https://odb.org/getprint App: https://odb.org/mobileresources Web: https://odb.org #OurDailyBread #DailyDevotional #Mark4:14-20