Byrdie The Duck's Origin, Powers & Abilities Explained | What If..? Season 3

Byrdie The Duck's Origin, Powers & Abilities Explained | What If..? Season 3

Dive into the fascinating origin story of Byrdie, the human-Duckworldian hybrid who’s stealing the spotlight in What If...? Season 3! From her cosmic energy powers to her action-packed battles against the universe’s biggest threats, this video explores everything you need to know about Marvel’s newest original character. Discover how Byrdie’s unique lineage and abilities make her a standout addition to the MCU multiverse. Watch now for all the epic details and join the discussion about what her future could mean for Marvel! #Marvel #Byrdie #WhatIfSeason3 #MarvelExplained #MCU #MarvelCharacters #ByrdiePowers #CosmicEnergy #MarvelMultiverse