The Church of the Holy Spirit - Missionary Sunday - November 17, 2024 @ 8:00 a.m.

The Church of the Holy Spirit - Missionary Sunday - November 17, 2024 @ 8:00 a.m.

The Church of the Holy Spirit - Missionary Sunday Nov 17, 2024 - 8: 00 a.m. Priest in Charge: Rev. Paul Sharp Welcome to our Church! Brothers and Sisters in Christ, a Happy Sunday to you and yours, whether here, online at home or abroad, we are happy you all are worshipping with us. If this is your first time worshipping with us, it is great to have you here. ‘...holy Scriptures are written for our learning: Grant us so to hear...and inwardly digest them...’ Reflection - Let's Think on it In reflecting on today’s Collect; we come to the realization that we can never understand the entirety of the teachings of the Scriptures, but we can continue to grow in what we are able to perceive in them. "Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them". As the Christian year draws to a close, do we feel that our perception of our life in Christ has deepened? Have we discovered a greater light emerging from the Holy Church? Are we ready to enter again the coming penitential period of Advent and ensuing renewal at Christmas? We have made progress in the last year, and now it is time to begin a new step in the continuing spiritual cycle that leads us towards our heavenly Father by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. In a few short weeks we will be invited to embrace him anew, and let him who is the blessed hope of everlasting life, into our hearts again. Blessings. The Ministry of the Word - Readings 1st Samuel 1:4-20 Psalm 16 Hebrews 10:11-14,19-25 Mark 13:1-8 Collect BCP, Page 181, Proper 28 Hymns Opening Hymn: 522 Gradual: 293 Offertory: 416 Communion: 576, 578, 331 Blessing: 332 Closing Hymn: 419 Memory Verse Psalm 16:8 I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. (NIV) Readings for next week ‘Christ the King’ - November 24, 2024 2 Samuel 23:1-7 Psalm 132 Revelation 1:4b-8 John 18:33-37 Collect BCP, Page 181, Proper 29 Happy Birthday NOV 17: Danica Dawkins Rose Hoo Jodi-Leigh Perry NOV 18: Allison Fergus Bertram Gayle Omar Longshaw Clara Cumberbatch Amelia Malcolm NOV 19: Claudette Brown Jodi-Ann Francis Marcia Richardson NOV 20: Austin Mcdonald Camille Soares Dean Sterling Daniel Mitchell Marlon Tyne Shelly-Ann Spence NOV 22: Sean Fearon NOV 23: Merlene Henry Deepest Condolences: Dana-Lee & Reneé on the death of their mother, Hyacinth Smith. NOTICES: TODAY 8:00am Eucharist – Missionary Sunday CHS 10:30am Eucharist – St. Andrew Chapel at Ease 6:00pm Mission Week Activity – Guest Preacher: Brother Christopher Givans, CA. WEEKLY SERVICES 6:30am Weekday morning prayer via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 81667231354 Passcode: 444625) THIS WEEK ALL WEEK LONG Mission Week Activities @6pm WED Installation Service – Cathedral, Spanish Town @3:00pm. Rev. Lt. Col Denston Smalling will be installed as an Archdeacon and Rev. Michael Elliott as a Canon. UPCOMING EVENTS NOV. 24 Healing Service – CHS @ 10:00am. Guest Preacher: Rev. Captain Dwane Blackwood. No Service at St. Andrew Nov. 30 Wedding at St. Andrew’s Chapel Dec. 01. Cure Day – 9:00am service at St. Andrew’s Chapel. No Service at CHS Dec. 08 Rally Ingathering @5:00pm at CHS Dec. 15 Gift Day Dec. 18 HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHS!!!!! TITHES & OFFERINGS Online Bank Transfer - DIOCESAN CHURCH FUND/CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT J$ A/C# 361075544 /US$ A/C# 364158076 (NCB PORTMORE BRANCH) Make cheques payable to: CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Think on These Things Tune in - Radio Jamaica (FM94.5) Sundays at 4:45pm SPECIAL PROJECTS  Movement Ministry  Father’s Day Weekend 2025  Marking of the Parking Lot CHECK CHURCH OFFICE FOR MORE INFO. *******************CHECK CHURCH OFFICE FOR MORE INFO.****************